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Lowongan Kerja Komputer/IT Terbaru Oktober 2012

by Admin , at 6:43 AM
Lowongan Kerja Komputer/IT Terbaru Oktober 2012 - berikut ini kumpulan Loker terbaru di bidang Komputer atau IT. Silahkan membaca Lowongan Kerja Komputer/IT Terbaru Oktober 2012.
Career Opportunities
Huawei Technologies is one of the leading players in the global telecom market based in China.Currently, we have over 95,000 employees, of whom more than 46% are devoted to R&D. In addition, 45 of the world’s top 50 operators have chosen Huawei as their cooperator. In 2010, our contract sales reached US$ 26 billion, of which more than 70 % was from international markets, and represented a year-over-year growth rate of over 40%. Together with customers and partners, we endeavor to enrich people's lives through better communications. For more information about Huawei, please visit: www.huawei.com

Application and Software Engineer (A&S Engineer)
Jakarta Raya
  • To implement project of software services such as BSS, SDP, IPTV, IN, Billing, SMS, MMS or VAS Service
  • Their duties and responsibilities would revolve around project delivery and system maintenance
  • Optimize system reliability and problem resolutions
  • CR analysis and implementation
  • Bachelor degree
  • 1 (one) year work experience as billing
  • Strong exposure knowledge in PLSQL, Unix/Linux & Oracle
  • Independent and/or team player
  • Result oriented
  • The knowledge about telecom operational support system, billing system, value added services.
  • At least 2 years experience in the field of telecommunication. (optional)
  • HCDA ( Huawei Certified Datacomm Associate ) holder preferable

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Lowongan Kerja Komputer/IT Terbaru Oktober 2012 - written by Admin , published at 6:43 AM, categorized as Lowongan Kerja
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